Friday and Saturday of last week featured the first LADY expeditions of 2010 proper. Launched the preceding Sunday (11 July), along with her tender, LST 1081, most activity between Monday and Thursday consisted of bailing. Indeed, the LADY is leaking more than usual this year, perhaps because of less aggressive pre-launch soaking. Alternatively, it is possible that, in the five years since her original refit, the calking we installed at that time is due to be replaced.
Rigging took place on Thursday (7/15) afternoon and evening, but there was no time for a shakedown sail until Friday. This was a successful run in its own right, but also the first of series of projected short voyages around the backside of Winter Island, into Cat Cove. This sail was marred only by the unusually large amount of water taken on during the trip. Time will tell if this remains a problem.
Saturday’s sail was largely unpremeditated and (in the event) abortive. The next voyage is planned for tomorrow, Tuesday 20 July.
I'm looking for a good photo of a Brutal Beast sailboat that I could use in a magazine article. Any help you can provide will be appreciated, and of course I'll provide due credit in the caption.
Bob Holtzman
Marketing Coordinator, Penobscot Marine Museum
207-548-2529 ext.208